Re-Industrialisation of the European Union 2016

Re-Industrialisation of the European Union 2016  -  SK Pres 2016 conference

Date:   26th – 28th October 2016

Venue: Incheba EXPO Bratislava, Bratislava

Aim: The conference aims to attract the attention of a broad European and international community of research and innovation, including important representatives of the business sector.

The event aims to emphasize and discuss the role of science, research and innovation in sustainable development of the European economy in general and the implementation of the re-industrialisation of Europe. The conference will include matchmaking event, poster sessions, site visits around Bratislava, workshops and competitions for students.

An important outcome of the conference should be a final strategy document as a basis for policy making for the next EU Presidency. The event is prepared in the close cooperation with the European Commission, as well as similar events organised of the previous period (the Luxembourg and Dutch EU Presidency).

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 685 722.


Press Release: Bratislava re-industrialisation agenda boost for EU´s industry  

BRATISLAVA AGENDA  A call for a European Industrial Revolution  to Re-industrialise Europe

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Posledný update stránky: 2019-04-18 11:54